
Books (Monographs)

Edited Books

Reconciliation and Peacebuilding

2009 article in Ethics and International Affairs that summarizes the argument of Just and Unjust Peace
2013 article in special issue of Journal of Religious Ethics find on pp. 400-416
2018 piece in edited volume on Social Reconciliation in the Catholic tradition
Essay in R. Scott Appleby, Robert Schreiter, and Gerard Powers, eds., Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis, 2011, a version of the argument of Just and Unjust peace grounded in Catholic thought.
Comparative empirical study of the influence of religion on transitional justice in Thomas Brudholm and Thomas Cushman, eds, The Religious in Response to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2009
Report of a research project on forgiveness in sites of violence in Uganda, published in 2015. Published by the Refugee Law Project in Kampala, Uganda
Article in First Things 2012 on justice in the aftermath of genocide
Article coauthored with Brian Cox in The Review of Faith and International Affairs, 2003
Essay in John C. Cavadini, ed., Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI, 2012
Article in Review of Faith and International Affairs, 2013

Religious Freedom

Article coauthored with Timothy Samuel Shah in Journal of Law and Religion, 2017, a review essay on critics of religious freedom
Article in Michigan Journal of International Law, 2004
Article in Church Life Journal on culture war in Islam, 2019
Special issue on Under Caesar's Sword, 2017, eds. Daniel Philpott and Timothy Shah
Article in First Things, "Polite Persecution," on religious freedom in the West, April 2017
Article in Review of Faith and International Affairs, 2013
Article in America on contemporary Christian martyrs, 2012
Religious Freedom In International Human Rights Law, 2020

Religion and Global Politics

Article in The Annual Review of Political Science, 2009
Article, "Explaining the Political Ambivalence of Religion," American Political Science Review, 2007
Article in World Politics, 2002
Article in World Politics, 2000
Article in Journal of Democracy, 2004
Article with Paolo Carozza in Logos, 2012
Review article on religion and international security, 2018
Book chapter coauthored with Timothy Samuel Shah on religion in IR theory, 2011
Book chapter coauthored with Timothy Samuel Shah on religion and European unity, 2006

Sovereignty and Self-Determination

Article in the Journal of International Affairs, 1995
Entry in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, first published 2003, last updated 2016
Review Essay in World Politics, 2001
Article in Ethics, 1995


There is a Wideness in God's Justice, Nova et Vetera, Fall 2020